The RA Minister of Agriculture Met the Representatives of the Dairy Companies


1The RA Minister of Agriculture Sergo Karapetyan met the representatives of the dairy companies who are specialized in the production of milk powder. The meeting focused on the current issues in the sector.


“Today our country needs to boost domestic production of milk powder. In milk powder producing companies there are abilities and capacities to increase production volumes, which will contribute to the mitigation of the seasonal factor of milk”, noted the Minister Sergo Karapetyan.


The Minister believes that this will contribute to the increase in production and export of milk and dairy products, which is important considering Armenia’s joining the Eurasian Economic Union.


For their part, the representatives attending the meeting presented their issues of concern and expressed confidence that with the joint efforts of the Ministry of Agriculture they will find possible solutions to them.


The Minister also urged to diversify the production particularly the cheese production that could be in great demand in the EEU market.



Division of Information and Public Relations of

the RA Ministry of Agriculture











