On 18 September 2018, the results of a fruitful cooperation between the RA Ministry of Education and Science and the “Organic Agriculture Support Initiative” (OASI) project were presented. The OASI project is funded by the European Union and co-funded and implemented by the Austrian Development Agency. During the event the successful development of an Organic […]
Official news

Oath taking ceremony of the members of the RA Government took place at the Presidential Palace
Today, at the Presidential Palace for the first time in the history of Armenia, in the presence of President Armen Sarkissian took place the oath taking ceremony of the members of the Government of the Republic of Armenia. First, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian took the floor and read out the text of the oath: “For […]

Announcment On Submission of Applications for Implementation of Activities for Establishment of Intensive Orchards cultivated with Modern Technologies
Program on “Subsidizing of loan interest rates for the establishment of intensive orchards cultivated with modern technologies in the Republic of Armenia” was approved by the Protocol Decree No. 53 by the RA Government on 21 December 2017. Within the framework of the Program, all the organizations specialized in establishment of intensive orchards, which […]

Announcement On Submission of Applications for Implementation of Activities for Establishment of Intensive Orchards cultivated with Modern Technologies
Program on “Subsidizing of loan interest rates for the establishment of intensive orchards cultivated with modern technologies in the Republic of Armenia” was approved by the Protocol Decree No. 53 by the RA Government on 21 December 2017. Within the framework of the Program, all the organizations specialized in establishment of intensive orchards, which […]

Announcement on submission of application forms to participate in the introduction of the drip irrigation systems
Program on Interest Rates Subsidy for the Introduction of Drip Irrigation Systems Loans was approved in The Government Session of The Republic of Armenia on 21st of December, 2017 by Protocol Decision № 53. All organizations specialized in the introduction of drip irrigation systems wishing to participate in the Program that meet the conditions […]