Department of Plant Growing and Plant Protection

The core objectives and functions of Plant Growing and Plant Protection Department are the following:


a) implementation of the state policy in the field of plant industry,

b) development of the drafts of the  RA intergovernmental projects, RA laws, RA Government resolutions, orders of the RA Minister of Agriculture,

c) analyses of the situation in plant growing field, projections about crop production volumes,

d) development of  the projects promoting entrepreneurship in plant industry and provision of support  to fulfill such projects,

e) development and realization of seed  industry and  seed production targeted projects,

f) coordination of works for testing new varieties of agricultural plants, protection of selective achievements, development of investment projects,  seed quality assessments,

j) seed certification,

h) development and  realization of targeted seed protection projects,

i) coordination of the works  exercise control over dangerous pests  (rodents and grasshoppers) and forest pests,

j) development and realization of agrochemical monitoring programs, assessment and  protection of the agricultural lands fertility,

k) support to the farming companies growing seeds and seedlings,

l) support to develop new major agricultural policy directions.     



Head of the department: Rudik Nazaryan

Tel.: (+37411) 523 411




Head of The Land Farming and Seed-Breeding Development Division: Goharik Osipyan

Tel.: (+37411) 525 812




Head of The Horticulture Development and Plant Protection Division: Karine Yesayan

Tel.: (+37411) 523 793



