Development Directions Of Potato Farming Are Discussed In The Ministry Of Agriculture


1Mr. Ignati Arakelyan, Minister of Agriculture of RA today has a working consultation with the participation of potato farmers unions, social organizations, major producers and imports acting in the Republic of Armenia to discuss currents issues and development prospects potato farming branch in our country. 


“Potato farming is one of the most recent areas of agriculture in Armenia and the aim of the meeting is to have a joint discussion about obstacles to the further development of the industry, restoration opportunities of export volumes to understand how the state should support and be helpful in order the following field which is important from the perspective of food security will be properly developed, particularly in increasing productivity and in a reduction on cost price and so we will have  a competitive product”,- Mr. Ignati Arakelyan noted.


Importing frequent organization of meetings in this format in the framework of public-private cooperation, the participants stressed that the industry can be truly established, the market is formed, and there are no monopolies. As the preventing problems, particularly, working capital constraints, sales, depreciation and lack of mechanization, planting subsidy, as “Upper Lars” alternative-boat renting in “Poti” port by the state and other issues were raised.


 Minister noted that soon purchase of farm equipments leasing program will be launched, which gives the opportunity to buy equipments at affordable tariffs.


At the meeting potato farmers referred also to the application of combined fertilizers and they noted that it is more efficient than separate use of nitrogen, phosphate and potash fertilizers, although its acquisition by small quantities is rather expensive and non expedient. Ministered offered to discuss jointly, form a clear demand, introduce it to the Ministry of Agriculture in order to negotiate with the producer and support the potato farmers to obtain fertilizers at affordable conditions and in large batches.


Referring to potato exports, Ignati Arakelyan noted that specialists of Ministry are going to investigate countries` markets importing potato, existing pricing policy and sorts, to make a program aimed at the development of potato export which will introduced to the attendees.


The participants planned to meet again for discussing further steps over the following raised problems.



Division of Information and Public Relations of

the RA Ministry of Agriculture



