Consultation with the RA Minister of Agriculture


IMG_0129The RA Minister of Agriculture Sergo Karapetyan invited more than 50 head workers and professionals of the regional veterinary organizations to the consultation for summarizing the results of the previous year and for the discussions of the activity of the current year.


For the effective organization of the measures of the livestock vaccination program implemented by “Center of services for veterinary-sanitary and plant sanitation sectors” SNCO  the Minister instructed the service body


  • to clarify the veterinarians’ functions, insert certainty in their working volumes, duties and responsibilities,
  • to ensure the implementation of the  preventive vaccination and sampling according to the  schedules excluding livestock dropouts,
  • to pay special attention to the maintenance of the working discipline and the implementation of measures in the established timeframe and with high quality.


For the possible activation of the work the Deputy Minister Robert Makaryan was instructed to hold consultations in all the regions and communities and submit daily information to the Minister about the current state of livestock epidemic.

